Yes..I am quite possibly the WORST blogger in the history of blogging. I have a TON of pic's to download on here. So right now I will do an update before the pic's that will SHORTLY follow!
School is in session!
Bryce-2nd grade......
Oh the time has flown by. My son (who truely melts may heart daily) is growing all too fast! He is a wiz at math and loves to read before bed. And always wants a turn at reading scriptures. He loves to say All the prayers, has a split personality (Hmmmm can you say bi-polar), loves his mom (calls me his wife), loves sprinkler heads and will tell you all about them and is obsessed with "Dodge Duelie" trucks. He makes me laugh til it hurts and in the very next sec can get vinegar for being naughty!!!! He brings such joy to this family and to EVERYONE he meets. All the teachers and janitor and principal know him (not because he gets in trouble) because he just spreads joy everywhere. We were in Costco and a lady was so happy to see him and he was chatting her up and she told us she was a teacher who was in the classroom next to his class last year. And she said she absolutly loves him! I am doing something right! He loves school and loves his 1st grade teacher from last year (Miss T. he talks about you everyday and how he sees you really is the high light of his day!) Thank you for making such an impact in his life!!!
Taylor-6th grade.....
My baby! She will soon be 12. She has the same adorable boyfriend from last year although she was sad they are not in the same class this year. However, they dine at lunch and hit the playground after together (really a group of friends)and all hang out on the weekends. She is now to the age where she goes to the movies with friends on the weekends (we have joined the world of dropping off and picking up) and the pool and hanging out. She has a curfew now (gulp) and although it kills me to give her more freedom, it is that time... when we do things on the weekend aometimes she in not with us and it makes my heart ache just a little that she is off doing her own thing. She is a good kid and independant which I am greatful for. But still, she would climb up into my lap and cuddle everyday if she could. She also has begun hair removing from her legs. She wanted to shave til her friend told her how it "hurts so bad when you cut yourself" so Marc went and hit Walgreens for Smooth Away so remove that hair (works really good btw).
Well let's see. I will be turning 41 this year and that is so crazy to me! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this time in my life. I hired a personal trainer (who is AMAZING) to see what my body can do at this age. I will post pic's (maybe) at the end of my 3 months. I would really love to hire a photograper and take real pic's because it will be a real acomplishment for me. Marc says do we shall see! I so enjoy being a mom and the older my kids get (although it makes me sad they are growing) I have more and more fun with them. We still do our Sunday drives every week, and it is something I look forward too!!
I tried wakeboarding (and made it up 1st try, briefly) this summer..big for me because I am terrified of water, I rode a mechanical bull and hung on for a long time (I was surprized and proud of myself)..2 things I have always wanted to try. I guess 40 was the year I grew some balls and pushed fear away. I still have a few more things I want to try..rock climbing may be my next thing, and snowboarding for sure! Most of my life I have been a chicken to try new things because of having to go out of my comfort zone. And caring what other people will think. I think my fav thing of this age is that I NO LONGER care what others think and it is an AMAZING feeling!!!
I was watching Reba on CMT one day and she said something that hit me..."With age comes confidence". The hang-ups and insecurities that I had at 32, even 36 are gone. So as Oprah has talked about I guess I found my "ah-ha" moment. Life is fun and exciting and wonderful! And I truely, truely LOVE mine!!
I have been blessed with the most supportive, kind, loving affectionate husband ever. He is so good to us all and is the best father and husband I could ever dream for. We have been in our home for a year (1 year yesterday) and it has been so fun working together making it our home together. Our kitchen is 80% done (needs backsplash and floor still) and our front yard is almost finished too. Marc's company put a patio and porch on the front of our house and he landscaped the front. New trees and sod are in and plants and mulch soon to finish it up! Marc has done such an amazing job and is really good at what he does. He works so hard for this family and we have also been blessed that thru the bad economy he has had steady work this season. He will be starting a big job soon that should put us thru winter. That is a big relief for us because quite a few companies are going under this year in his line of work. But he is honest, and his word means everything and I am so proud of him and proud to stand beside him as his wife.
Well...I promise pic's to come and there will be many! So be prepared!!!